Basketball season is wrapping up for my son… and me!

Saying ‘yes’ to being an Assistant Coach for my son’s basketball team has been such a blessing. I’d never coached basketball before. I played a bit growing up, but it was just the last couple years that my sons got into b-ball, and we played countless games of ’21’. In the Fall League, I cheered in the stands at every game. And when I was asked to help in the Winter League, I jumped in not knowing what to expect.
And as the season is wrapping up, I’m going over all the blessings… my son has improved his basketball skills, I’ve grown my coaching and mentoring skills, I’ve witnessed these young guys grow as a team and have heard lots of laughter and cheers. Plus some great one-on-one time with my son with weekly practices and games. We may not have had the most successful season on the scoreboard, but we experienced “WINNING” through the whole season. ~ Mountain Mike