Three-Year Accessibility Plan
June 1st, 2024
- General
- Introduction
Touch Canada Broadcasting Limited Partnership (Touch): This is our first Accessibility plan progressing towards 2027. This plan outlines our approach to identifying, removing, and preventing barriers to accessibility in alignment with the Accessible Canada Act (ACA). At Touch, we want to create an inclusive environment for our employees, partners, clients and our audience. This plan includes the first steps towards a more accessible, inclusive environment at Touch.
Touch is a Canadian independent radio broadcaster operating 5 radio stations, 3 FM and 2 AM, serving audiences throughout Alberta and digitally throughout Canada and the world.
Our mission is to share our message of positivity and encouragement with Canadians, delivering music and content over our airways that the whole family can enjoy.
- Touch’s Contact Information and Feedback Process
If you would like to provide Touch with feedback relating to accessibility and our organization, our Feedback Process, or our Accessibility Plan 2024-2027, please contact our Accessibility head who will be pleased to assist:
Touch’s Contact Information:
Wendy Koebel, our Accessibility Head of Command, is responsible for receiving all accessibility-related feedback, questions and comments. You may reach Wendy through the following methods:
Mailing address: 105.9 Shine FM 5316 Calgary Trail NW Edmonton, AB, T6H 4J8 Phone: 780.466.4930
Email: [email protected]
Requesting Alternate Formats: Accessibility Plan and Accessibility Feedback Process
Our Accessibility Plan and Accessibility Feedback Process are available to the public; it is readily available on our website under the Accessibility Tab at the bottom of the page. Should you need more details or an alternative copy, please email us at [email protected] or contact our Accessibility Committee Chair Wendy Koebel.
Anonymous Feedback
If you prefer to remain anonymous, please do not include personal details such as your name or contact information in your communications with our organization. You can make suggestions, comments, or concerns anonymously on our website. If you choose to include personal information, any you provide will remain confidential unless you explicitly consent to share it with others.
- Accessibility Summary:
Touch’s Accessibility Plan represents an important step towards creating a more accessible and inclusive environment within Canada’s media sector. We are dedicated to ongoing engagement, as well as meeting the objectives of the Accessible Canada Act in the years ahead. As we prepared our Accessibility Plan, we conducted a number of discussions, meetings, and email conversations to gain invaluable input and to work collaboratively with persons with disabilities, our colleagues and partners.
These initiatives include the following:
Establishment of an Accessibility Committee Within our Organization: This spring, we’ve formed an Accessibility Committee comprising leaders from various departments within our organization. These include Wendy Koebel (Human Resources), Paul Calverley (Marketing Director), Carol Henders (Edmonton Sales Manager), and Nicole Eddy (Calgary Sales Manager). Our Accessibility Committee will be meeting regularly to identify, remove, and prevent accessibility barriers within our working environments. We also have discussed this in detail so that we could provide important input and insights into the preparation of our Accessibility Plan.
Conducting an Internal Assessment of our Organization: This spring, we’ve conducted an overall assessment of our organization regarding accessibility. This included reviewing our workstations, employee policies, communication and technology guidelines, and the overall facilities we work in.
Internal Employee Consultation: In the spring of 2024, Touch conducted an internal consultation process that involved engaging with our employees to gather critical information in view of preparing our Accessibility Plan. We conducted an online survey regarding accessibility within our workplace. This optional survey was distributed to all employees, and everyone was given eight days to respond to the questionnaire. We believe that their firsthand experiences are invaluable in identifying any barriers that might exist, as well as providing insightful suggestions on how to address future potential barriers.
External Consultations: In May, 2024 we had an opportunity to connect directly with three organizations that specialize in accessibility practices for employees, families, and organizations. These meetings were vital to this plan. Outside perspectives allow for growth and learning for the Accessibility Committee at TCB. These are discussed further below in the “Consultants for Touch’s Accessibilities Plan” section.
Guiding Principles for Accessibility at Touch: We believe in striving for a barrier free Canada and are mindful of the important principles set out in the Accessible Canada Act. These principles are the core of our Accessibility Plan and our accessibility decision-making work for the future.
These principles are:
- Everyone must be treated with dignity.
- Everyone must have the same opportunity to make for themselves the life they are able and wish to have.
- Everyone must be able to participate fully and equally in society.
- Everyone must have meaningful options and be free to make their own choices, with support if they desire.
- Laws, policies, programs, services, and structures must take into account the ways that different kinds of barriers and discrimination intersect.
- Persons with disabilities must be involved in the development and design of laws, policies, programs, services, and structures.
- Accessibility standards and regulations must be made with the goal of achieving the highest level of accessibility.
- Consultations for Touch’s Accessibility Plan
At Touch; engaging with our employees, clients, partners and audience is a vital part of who we are and a staple in our daily activities. While preparing our Accessibility Plan, we also had meetings consulting directly with organizations who work tirelessly to improve accessibility and inclusion every day within their own fields. The two organizations we connected closely with are Accessible by Design and AdaptAbilities. We will continue to work with these organizations moving forward, continuing to better ourselves throughout this plan.
- Accessibility Feedback Page
In our efforts to ensure accessibility within our organization, we published an Accessibility Feedback Page in May 2024 as required by the Accessible Canada Act and the related Regulations. Our Accessibility Feedback Page can be found for our Shine FM website here and our AM The Light website here
We have also included direct details of our Accessibility Feedback page. Our Accessibility Feedback Page was designed to collect information from persons with disabilities, the public, our employees and our partners in a range of areas, such as:
- Content accessibility (ie. closed captions, described video)
- Digital accessibility (ie. Alternative text, and additional assistive technology use on the website or app)
- Facilities (ie. facilities access, events accessibility)
We haven’t received any feedback regarding our organization since starting the Accessibility Feedback form was included on our websites. However, we will continue to promote awareness about our Accessibility Feedback page over the course of the next three years.
- Accessibility Committee
In our ongoing commitment to creating an inclusive workplace, we’ve also established an Accessibility Committee in the spring of 2024. This committee is composed of designated accessibility champions from various departments within our organization Wendy Koebel (Human Resources), Paul Calverley (Marketing Director), Carol Henders (Edmonton Sales Manager), and Nicole Eddy (Calgary Sales Manager). Their primary role is to facilitate discussions, identify potential accessibility barriers, reflect on input from persons with disabilities, assist with the preparation of our Accessibility Plan, and spearhead initiatives to enhance accessibility across our organization.
- Internal Employee Consultation
Alongside the creation of our Accessibility Committee, we conducted an optional internal online employee accessibility consultation over the course of just over one week May 16th-23rd, 2024. During this period, we asked all employees a series of questions designed to uncover any barriers they may have concerning accessibility within our organization. Our survey also requested additional input on how to prevent and remove accessibility barriers in the future. 15 of our 29 employees (51%) responded to the survey.
The survey provided us with valuable insights into the experiences of our employees. The results from this survey will continue to be utilized and analyzed by our Accessibility Committee and our Human Resources Dept. And the findings are already proving to be instrumental in informing possible changes and improvements within our organization.
One main takeaway from our internal survey was a suggestion to remember disabilities can be there without the majority of staff and others even knowing of this disability if it’s not openly seen or discussed. This doesn’t mean it or thee individual are any less important. The comment was encouraging our internal team and employers to treat each other with continued respect and kindness because the alternative can leave individual with disabilities feeling alienated, or as an outsider. This is absolutely something as an organization and committee we will be focusing on and ensuring that everyone feels included and equally belongs.
Moving forward, we will continue to encourage open dialogue about accessibility and invite all employees to contribute their own experiences and suggestions. Our goal is to maintain a proactive approach to identifying and addressing accessibility issues within our organization.
- External Consultations
As part of our desire to enhance accessibility and inclusivity, members of our Accessibility Committee have met and extended invitations for further discussions on ways we can continue to move forward towards a more inclusive organization. As a radio broadcaster, we primarily are received through sound and sight on our digital platforms. Therefore, most of our external discussions have and will continue to be focused on these two medians and ways we can improve an individual’s experience.
We had a meeting with an Edmonton organization Adaptabilities ( who offered up some great digital suggestions to improve accessibility. Bee Vee Professional Services whose focus is cultivating safe spaces & environments ( We’ve also reached out to Accessible by Design (, but have yet to have a formal meeting. But do desire to have all 3 of these organizations as external consultants as we move throughout our Accessibility Plan.
Here are the takeaways from these initial meetings and discussions:
With AdaptAbilities, the main focus was on how the principles of universal design (design universally usable by all people) will appeal to the highest populations of people. Some specific suggestions for this were to consider alt text, descriptive urls, and resizing texts to consider all involved, colour contrasts, and closed captioning or a transcript when it comes to videos. The alt text was one that we’re immediately working to implement on our website that we didn’t necessarily do before.
With Bree from Bee Vee Professional Services, she showcased a holistic approach to connecting with individuals, and meeting them where they’re at. Offering tools and guidance to understanding that everyone’s different and unique. Everyone has different skills, different abilities to bring to the table and learning to understand those differences can help employees and employers excel. Painting everyone with a broad brush or to match a specific workstyle will leave most struggling to fit the mold or uninspired in the long run. Taking the time to embrace differences and learning how employers work will have them feeling appreciated and likely more productive as they feel their own style is accepted. While the concept seems simple, this was such great insight. It’s a great reminder for our management team and Bree will definitely be someone we move ahead with as a connection, possibly in a larger role connecting with our whole organization in the future.
- Accessibility Priorities – Section 5 of the Accessible Canada Act
The purpose of the Accessible Canada Act is to allow all Canadians to live in a country without barriers to accessibility by January 1st, 2040.
Section 5 of the Accessible Canada Act identifies the following areas where the identification, removal, and prevention of accessibility barriers must be pursued:
- Employment
- The built environment
- Information and communications technologies
- Communications other than information and communications technologies
- The procurement of goods, services, and facilities
- The design and delivery of programs and services
- Transportation
- Other areas designated under regulation, such as conditions of licence for broadcasters.
The following section of our Accessibility Plan addresses these areas of accessibility.
A. Employment
Touch is dedicated to inclusivity in our hiring, retention, and promotion practices. Currently, we employ 29 employees.Our head office is located in Edmonton, AB and we operate 5 radio stations for all audiences, Canadian and otherwise to enjoy.
Our organization’s Human Resources Department plays an important role in ensuring accessibility within our company. Touch foster’s a supportive and unbiased workplace that encourages career longevity, and progression of all employees. We want all employees to be treated equally, fairly, and with respect. We also want to ensure consideration to the accessibility needs of those with disabilities and those struggling with mental health.
B. Building Environment
Touch is committed to easily accessible access to our building and our built facilities for employees, clients, and visitors. Our goal is to create an environment that is accessible and allows all people to feel safe and respected. Our current locations are leased not owned. From a building perspective, we strive to do everything within our power to build upon our current momentum towards a more inclusive/accessible organization.
Our internal survey helped understand if any Touch employees were encountering barriers or difficulties with our rental locations. The survey came back with no employees having issues currently with the locations. We will continue encouraging open lines of communication in case anyone offers feedback or suggestions on the buildings Touch occupies moving forward.
C. Information and Communications Technologies
As a Canadian broadcaster that focuses on the radio airways and our digital platform (Streaming and Website mainly), we will be focusing our energy here. We want to establish regular audits of our website, along with our other digital properties to ensure they are accommodating and accessible. We continually compare the WCAG Guidelines to our own websites to ensure we are properly serving our entire audience as best we can.
D. Communication
Everyone knows communication is pivotal to an organizations success. Touch strives to maintain open lines of communication within its organization for all employees, listeners, and partners. We maintain an environment where people are encouraged to communicate in ways that are inclusive for all. This includes opportunities for employees to access meetings remotely when needed, open lines of communication to discuss concerns with Human Resources, and regular check-ins with staff to ensure we’re meeting any needs within our organization in terms of accessibility and inclusivity.
E. Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities
We have a number of employees helping with the procurement of goods and services at Touch. Their experiences and scenarios are unique to our different locations. But our focus is to look outside our organization to our clients and partners to better understand their perspective. We now connect directly with our suppliers for their feedback on their own experience in terms of facility and their interaction with employees.
F. Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
As an independent Canadian broadcaster, providing high quality, radio programming that is entertaining and engaging our audience is the main goal of our organization. Our programs already strive to be inclusive to everyone. Should a program be deemed to be inaccessible or non-inclusive, it is removed or will be terminated from Touch’s broadcasting schedule.
G. Transportation (If Applicable)
This area of accommodation and accessibility is not relevant to Touch.
H. Licence Conditions and Requirements Under the Broadcasting Act:
The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) regulates and supervises broadcasting in Canada. As such, the CRTC requires broadcasters to comply with certain accessibility requirements, such as closed captioning, described video and audio description of audiovisual content (these obligations can vary depending on a broadcaster’s licensing requirements). Touch has historically fully complied with all requirements of its 5 licences and intends to continue fulfilling the licensing conditions with the CRTC in the future.
5. Conclusion:
As we move forward with our Accessibility Plan, Touch is truly motivated to facilitate a more inclusive community for all Canadians. This plan reflects those important steps towards inclusion and equality. While this starts as a three year plan, we view this as a commitment that’ll take us well beyond 2027. We know steps forward are the way towards a country without barriers. We look to continuing to work closely with our external partners, our internal community, the broadcasting community, and our clients to achieve the goals and objectives of the Accessible Canada Act.