Christmas Miracles on is now on! You can help by nominating a family in need or helping with a financial gift/donation! Click on the Christmas Miracles Banner , we’d love to have your support!
Thankful Thursday! What are you thanking the Lord for today? Here are my top three: 😂the gift of laughter 🎵preparations for Christmas concerts! 🧩chilly weather hobbies How about you? Share with us on social media! -Stephanie Nicole #shinefamily
Starting Tuesday, Christmas Miracles returns! Nominate a family in need or consider donating to help make miracles happen! Throughout November you can help nominate families in need and in December we’ll be surprising families and trying to help bless those in need heading into Christmas! Consider getting involved starting Tuesday November 12th!
Photo Credit: Tonight at 6pm is the women’s game, followed by the men’s game at 8pm! If you’re looking for a fun and really cost friendly night out with the family… Maybe check out some volleyball! As a bit of a sports nut, i can vouge for this as a pretty entertaining night for […]
Reece’s, M & M’s, Twix, Snickers, Jujubes… this time of year seems to involve far too many of these sweets for me. Do you have favourites or treats that you enjoy? Whether or not your family is into Halloween, these treats will likely be EVERYWHERE! Me… Reece’s and any type of gummies are my faves! […]
Thankful Thursday! What are you thanking the Lord for today? Here are my top three: 🍿family movie night! 🎵great music 🍞God’s provision How about you? Add your comments on social media! -Stephanie Nicole #shinefamily #thankfulthursday
Pre-Sale Nov. 1-4, Public On-Sale Nov. 4 at 10:00 am. The code to unlock the Pre Sale is the word “life” to get your advanced tickets before they hit the public on November 4th!