How are we feeling about seeing the snow this afternoon? I’m not sure if I’m ever prepared for it… but also I’ll admit I was kinda excited to see it! What about yourself? -Paul the Promo Guy
Board games? Catching up on Netflix? Finally putting away the summer clothes and bringing out your winter gear? What’s happening this weekend with you and your family? I’ll be watching some hockey, playing many a rounds of peek-a-boo with our 7 month little guy. And I’ve likely got some raking in my future for sure. […]
My sons and I recently saw “Transformers One” and we all loved it! I was a big fan of Transformers when I was a kid. One of my favourite cartoons of all time! The live-action movies, not really my thing; think I saw the first one and that’s it. But cartoons … I’m in! ~ […]